Last minute poster shoot - FHM Model Bike

Last minute poster shoot, originally uploaded by swapped out.

So our photo deadline is rapidly approaching and the model we had booked for last week flaked out at the last minute and left us high and dry. By chance, this Australian girl who actually does race motocross was in town to do some riding, and she agreed to help us out at the last minute. Back in Oz, she is sponsored by Yamaha and Jim Beam and is on an all-female team. She's been on the cover of FHM in Australia and has done lots of modeling work. I got a hold of her last night at 9:45 and stayed up until 1:00 a.m. building the bike you see in the photo. When I woke up this morning, it was RAINING! Believe it or not, this photo was shot in the mist, in the PARKING LOT at my office. Hhaha. Didn't even have time to bust out the studio lighting... Not bad for a band-aid fix, I say. :-)